Between 26 April and 1 May, around 25 guests from Portugal, Italy and Spain will come to KÉK – Contemporary Architecture Centre in Budapest as part of the PLAY/ACT Erasmus+ project.
During their stay, the students will take part in a training course on the effects of small-scale public space experiments and tactical urbanism such as temporary asphalt painting.
On the 26th, 27th and 28th of April, we will be working in the offices of the Centre for Contemporary Architecture with the international students, who will participate in various lectures with invited speakers who are renowned Hungarian experts in placemaking.
On April 29 and 30, we will put our knowledge into practice and implement temporary interventions in the Tétényi shopping centre, which is the main intervention site of the Hungarian team.
The plans include the following activities:
- asphalt painting with washable paint
- making temporary wooden furniture (stools, benches) under the guidance of the KÖZMŰ team
- installation of the exhibition of the “There is a place…” community photo competition
More than 100 entries were received for the photo competition with personal stories from the locals.
“Van egy hely… Majális a Tétényi úti üzletközpontban” – one day community festival at the Tétényi shopping centre.

16.00 – 18.00 “There is a place… Snapshots of Kelenföld”
Photo competition exhibition opening and interactive guided tour with the competitors.
The exhibition will be opened by the competitors, who will give a short guided tour of the photos and the personal stories they have written alongside them.
20.00- Film club
Film screening in the open air.
The venue will be a staircase of the shopping centre and its surroundings, with simple seating furniture made by PLAY/ACT students.
We will screen an old hungarian series called “Neighbours” then a short documentary “Concrete Forms of Resistance”.